Informal Request For Proposition

Dear Sir or Madam I'm retired...

®EuroAcoustics has been many years an established symbol of uncompromising technical design for audiophiles. Unfortunately building loudspeakers that way is low a volume high expense business, business-wise finally an impossible math equation for me. That's why manufacturing was discontinued.

I am both founder of Finnish Euro Acoustics Ltd in 1999 and original creator of ®EuroAcoustics loudspeaker brand. While immaterial properties like brand name ®EuroAcoustics were many years retained elsewhere  I have sole ownership of the brand name ®EuroAcoustics. My interest in the matter of trademark is: I'd like to see some reputable audio products still  carry that exacting name in the future while I'm now retired senior.  Looks like it's time to find a new laudable home for a good brand.

Please contact me without hesitation. I will keep any contacts and propositions strictly confidential.

Yours faithfully

Arto Jääskeläinen

Vantaa Finland

More up to date photos of me can be found at my politician pages.

PS. I apologize for the previously dead email contact link. It's fixed and fuctionality is verified now.  Offers welcome to buy ®EuroAcoustics brand.

  © Copyright 2013, 2020  Arto Jääskeläinen. All rights reserved.